So, remember that time I mentioned in a rather off-handed manner that maybe I could fit into a certain pair of size 18 jeans? (like 5 minutes ago in the post below, if you're not getting it)
Just for shits and giggs I get them down from my I'll Fit In These One Day Bag (IFITODB) and slide them up one leg...
....hmmm, the blood to my legs doesn't feel constricted....
slide up the other leg
....I don't feel like a sausage casing...
bring them up over my hips
....I can actually BRING THEM up over my hips...
and button-ed up the button.
I'm smiling. This is when it gets fun.
(and yes, I also zipped up the fly. I figured I could leave that part out, but I didn't want anyone worrying that I'm strutting around all day with the barn door wide open)
To you I say...
SO amazing. GREAT GREAT job!! I bet your tookus looks FINE in dem pants!
YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Great job!! I can't wait until I can wear a size 18 again!! That is so awesome!!
WOOO HOOOO!!! I'm so proud!
This is when it gets fun!
YAY!!! Congratulations! That is always such a great feeling after all of the hard work, to see it paying off!
WOOOOOO! Congrats to you! Thats rockin'!
Congrats! That must feel amazing!
Hellz yeah!!!!
Fantastic Job!
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